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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Biking, Babies, and Bradford

As the off season presses on, I still continue to battle the candida albicans, Jenna and I are in waiting mode for our little girl to come out and play, and Bradford is growing into a giant.

After seeing my nutritionist again this last week I was put on a different supplement that is supposed to fight the lesser known allergens that can accompany candida. A few test showed that I have the candida down to a healthy level but my digestive cells were still having a reaction to acetaldehyde (a form of ethanol that is a byproduct of dying candida) as well as manan (makes up 70% of the candida cell wall). After a week or so on the new product I began to have the same symptoms I was having months ago when the infestation was at it's worst. Today is the first day that my doctor recommended I reintroduce the anti-parasite supplement as well as continue on the other supplement aimed at fighting the allergens. I continue to think that I have had such a hard time fighting it because I have had the overgrowth for so long. So as my body continues to detox I try my best looking into the future and dreaming of when I can have some bread, or beer, or sugar, or any other complex carbohydrate without feeling nausea.

This past week I also decided that after close to two months off it would be good to get back on a little bit of exercise. Three days I ride the bike and elliptical machine for a half and hour and do some very easy body weight lifts to get my muscles and tendons working in good fashion again. Most likely by the end of September I will be on a full training program again with running three to four days a week and lifting weights three days.

No baby yet as Jenna and I await her to grace us with her presence. Jenna is having small contractions daily but nothing that has scared us into thinking it's "go time". Each day gets us one step closer to meeting her and both Jenna and I can't wait. Its amazing to think that we could be hours away from her arrival. For someone who has endured the unglamorous parts of being pregnant since the beginning of the year, Jenna has done an unbelievable job of taking everything in stride. She has continued to work 40 hours a week up until now and is as healthy (except for being uncomfortable) as can be.

Bradford, our first child, astonishes even me by how much he eats. A little over four months old and I weighed him last week at over 42 pounds so I'm guessing he is close to 44-45 today. So our family of four awaits the arrival of number five and I will continue to keep you all up to date with pictures and posts. Stay tuned!

Here's a recent video of Bradford rampaging in the backyard:

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